About Us

Mads Benishek
I’ve dreamed of Provision Farms in some form or fashion since I was about 10 years old. It has been a long and winding journey to become ready to put this dream out into the world. My journey has included:
Working for four summers on an organic vegetable farm in Wisconsin
Earning an M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary
Learning the nuts and bolts of starting and running a farm through the Land Stewardship’s Farm Beginnings course
On a more personal level I’m grateful to have:
Countless mentors and collaborators (including my partner, Slats Toole)
Discovered the gifts of my own queerness
The Spirit going ahead to prepare a path amidst the unknown
I love meeting others and getting to know other paths and stories. If any aspect of Provision Farms strikes a chord with you, get in touch and let’s chat!
Slats Toole
I have a deep love for ritual, liturgy, and the arts. This includes music, writing, theater, and all sorts of crafting (but especially fiber arts)! I’m passionate about creating religious spaces that celebrate people of all genders and sexualities.
My journey has included:
A BFA in Drama from New York University, and years working professionally as a sound designer and director for live theater
An M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary (where I met my partner, Mads!)
Writing, preaching, and teaching towards LGBTQ+ inclusion in the church.
My life is richer because of:
Opportunities to collaborate with others and make something together that none of us could have made on our own
Communities that have nurtured me and given me space to grow
Following a path where I can bring my doubts, fears, questions, and struggles to my relationship with God.